1. B
2. C and D
3. B
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Answer is B: All vertebrates belong to the Chordata phylum. Phylum chordata is divided into three sub-phylums:
a. Urochordata
b. Cephalochordata
c. Vertebrate/Craniata.
Thus we can say that all vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates.
2. Answer is C and D: Sponges belong to the phylum porifera. They are aquatic, mostly marine. They exhibit cellular level of organization with no tissue like arrangements. Sponges are sessile which means they remain attached to underwater objects/substratum. They are asymmetric i.e. any plane passing through the center of the body does not divide it into equal halves.
3. Answer is B: There are more species of invertebrates and the largest phylum is an invertebrate phylum called Arthropoda.
Animals are characterized by the presence of sensory or nervous system but sponges is the only phylum with no specialized nerve cell.
4. Eagles belong to class aves of phylum chordata.
Lady bug belong to class insecta of phylum arthropoda.
Scorpion belong to the class arachnida of phylum arthropoda.
Lobster belong to class crustacea of phylum arthropoda.
Snail belong to class gastropoda of phylum mollusca.