So this is what I got and some research that I've also found... The U.S. Constitution impacted the new America greatly. For one thing, it's a huge contradictory statement in itself. Not only does it allow for the PEOPLE to have power (democracy), but it also provided lines for a more centralized-government (legislative, judicial, executive). All in all, the Constitution gave tons more power to the government while making it seem like it was giving more choices to the people. If you want to know more (probably useless) info: The USA Constitution set up a Federal System, that divides powers between various states and the central government. It divides the powers of government into Legislative, Judicial, and Executive powers. It's effects have limited government, empowered state and local governments, and encouraged more citizen participation. (of course we see today, that too much deregulation, has negative effects, especially when it comes to greedy money market manipulation, and speculators.) The Bill of Rights have inspired more human rights, and kept the powers of both state and federal governments more limited. It's given Americans freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom from unreasonable searches, and protections in the courts. I could go on, but hopefully, this will get you thinking about it more.