Before answering the questions, it is important to know that a prepositional phrase (which is the type of phrase given in the first questions) may work as an adjective or an adverb. It works as an adjective when it modifies a noun and may answer the questions "Which one?", and it works as an adverb when it modifies an action (adverb), an adjective or another adverb, it often answers questions such as "How?" "When?" or "Where?" "In what circumstances?".
4. B. Water.
The phrase "In the pool" gives the reader more information about what "blue water" we are talking about (It is not the water in the glass, nor the water in the tub, but the water in the pool, therefore the noun "water" is the one it modifies. It modifies a noun, therefore the phrase acts an adjective.
5. B. jumped
"Into the pool" modifies the action or the verb "jump". The phrase answers the question of "Where did the diver jump?" Therefore, It is an adverbial phrase.
6. B. few
"Of the townspeople" gives more information of what "few" the sentence is referring to. It is an adjective phrase as it modifies a noun, in this case, the noun is also the subject.
7. B. Cautious
"About websites" provides details of what thing we need to be cautious about. And it is an adverbial phrase because it modifies "cautious" (adjective).
8. A. Immediately
This phrase is an adverbial one. It responds to the question "Immediately when, of what situation?"
12. D. None of the above
This phrase is an adverbial phrase as it works as an adverb: it provides information of when the action should or should not take place. When should you not talk about the research you are doing? During the piano recital.
13. B. Adverb phrase
Again, this phrase answers the question "How her hair curled in precise waves?" Around her face. It modifies the verb "Curled" as it gives more information about how the action was done.
14. C. adjective phrase
Adjective phrases modify nouns. In the sentence, "in the long line" modifies the noun "people" as it provides information about what people the speaker is talking about.
16. C. in the cabinet.
The phrase itself does not have an error, but the way it is placed in the sentence. A more effective sentence is: Please stack the dishes, from largest to smallest, in the cabinet of the kitchen.
18. C.In my bedroom, I play a computer role-playing game on line.
This sentence is the one that can be more easily read without being verbose, repetitive or confusing.
19. A. My father wrote a letter to the city manager, a complaint about the changes to the city pool hours.
This is the best written, and it also uses the appositive phrase correctly "a complaint about the changes to the city pool hours." which gives more specific details of what letter "my father wrote".