Honestly, Stanford is my dream school. I stress myself out everyday because that is where i want to be. If there is one tbing I wish, its to be a little but chilled out in middle school. Dont stress in middle school! Colleges dont look for that. Here is my advice for high school, since i just completed my first year:
1.) join at least one extra curricular in your first year and stick to it. I suggest joining at least two in order and be COMMITTED!!
2.) try to get a 4.0 and joing AP/honors classes to boost your gpa. Dont worry about the AP tes because some schools dont accept it.
3.) EXPLORE! Do something new. Join a club, volunteer, etc. this is so important.
4.) If you can, join a sport!! It teaches a lot, trust me.
5.) Apply to pre college programs IMMEDIATELY!! these are so amazing and look for finacial aid.
6.) Speak to your counselors. They will tell you about new things and orograms. It will help
7.) Volunteer. It looks great.
8.) have some fun. I was so stress all year. Relax and have fun!!
Hooe this helps. There is no guarantee that you will get into stanford, just do the beat you can!! Thats what im doing