We write the fractions divided into tenths , hundredths and thousandths . Decimal fraction is greater the greater the number nearest decimal place .
0,33 mm = 0,3 + 0,3mm
0,265mm = 0,2mm + 0,06mm + 0,005mm
0,25 mm = 0,2mm + 0,05mm
0,3 mm = 0,3
The largest number will be the highest digit decimal fraction
We have two numbers with the same value on the decimal place
0,33mm ,0,3mm
0,33mm > 0,3mm
(0,3 + 0,03)mm > 0,3mm
the first two numbers : 0,33mm , 0,3mm
The other two numbers are number two on the tenth place . So we check , which has a larger number of hundreds
0,275mm > 0,25
(0,2 + 0,075)mm > (0,2 + 0,05)mm
0,075mm > 0,05mm
Answer : 0,33mm, 0,3mm, 0,275mm, 0,25mm