A. government
Step-by-step explanation:
ihuacóatl or Ciuhcóatlen mexica mythology is the soul collector in the same way, is considered the protector of women who died in childbirth. The term was also used in the Aztec society to refer to the head of the armies, said position was the second in importance in the political structure, similar to that of a prime minister.
She was also called Quilaztli, Yaocíhuatl (warrior woman and lover of warriors), Tonantzin (our mother) and Huitzilnicuatec (head of hummingbird). It is related to the tribes of the north. It is described as a mature woman with her face painted half in red and half in black, on her head she wears a crown of eagle feathers, dressed in a red blouse and a white skirt with snails. In the right hand he carries an instrument to weave and in the left hand a shield that matches his crown. According to Aztec mythology, this warrior entity gave victory over its enemies. On the other hand, it is assumed that he was the one who ground the bones that Quetzalcoatl brought from Mictlán to create humanity.