Since we often Usually use the term 'Stress' for Negative things, like being Late to Class or Having too much Work due to Procrastinating, it would be Easy to get confused with The Two. Although, Truly there is a Difference. Eustress is like Stress that's Healthy and Doesn't hurt your Mental Wellness. Eustress Examples would be like Riding a Rollercoaster, or being Nervous around someone you like (Say you get to meet your Idol or you have a Crush). These types of Stress are Stress that's good for you because of the Good Benefits to it. These are all GOOD STRESS. It's Stress that's okay, just your Emotional State of your Body trying to Control itself. Distress is less Happy and Positive. It's your Body responding to Negative situations and bad news. Examples would be like failing your exam, hiding a big secret from your friends and family, lying about something you shouldn't have that could get you in a lot of trouble, and others. These are all BAD STRESS and you wouldn't want it with you. Negative Stress can really Impact your Wellness, but there's a bright side to that. Exercising is a very Helpful way of getting rid of any type of Stress because you're able to Calm down your mind after it or Distract your mind. After you Exercise, you can get a Clear and Right mind to think about the Problem or just get rid of your Nerves. Exercising increases your overall Wellness even without Stress, and once the the production of your brain's feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins, get going from your exercising, all the stress can relax because you'll be in a good mood without all the worry.
Step-by-step explanation:
Eustress = Good Stress/Positive
Distress = Bad Stress/Negative