The population is younger when life expectancy are shortened.
The population decreases from low birth rates and high death rates.
he diseases continue when cycles of infection occur.
The productivity declines when people are too sick to work.
Step-by-step explanation:
- In case of an outbreak of an endemic or epidemic diseases, all aspects of life in that particular regions shakes.
- The society is affected, economically, politically and socially.
- Some of the social effects above are;
The population decreases from low birth rates and high death rates, due to the low reproductive rate caused by weakness from the disease and high death rate from effect of the disease.
The population is younger when life expectancy are shortened, this is because, the possibility of the aged people dying out of epidemic and endemic diseases is high comapred to the younger population.
- An economic effect is; The productivity declines when people are too sick to work, since, the diseases weaken the body and therefore incapaciate it from working, thereby decreasing productivity.