1. By using an indefinite pronoun, she makes the statement that war is everyone's fault, in a way. She does not point out just one individual, as more than one person is a part of a war.
2. She uses formal language to create a very serious, grim feeling. The speaker seems disappointed, as well as depressed, about the aftermath of the war. They are serious about it. In line 30, it seems to describe the people who stop taking things seriously after the war is over. "But already there are those nearby...who find it dull."
3. It shows that war is not a beautiful occurrence. It discusses how war is not something to be proud of. She shows how the buildings are destroyed. She shows how people change after a war. She shows how people died. She shows the dimensions of the devastation by talking about how everything has been affected.
4. This question is for you to interpret by yourself. :)
5. She named it "The End and the Beginning" because it describes how a war-ravaged city is slowly patching itself back together after "the end." This poem describes a beginning after the end.
6. For you to think about!
Hope that helped you.