The earth's orbital path is an eccleptic form and during the journey of the earth around the sun, which takes approximately 365 days, in some periods due to the eccleptic form of the path, the earth is sometimes closer and sometimes farther away from the sun. Earth's revolution is the period for which the earth circles this path around the sun, that is one year. It depends on Earth's revolution, which season will be at a certain point on the earth, either at day or at night. What directly affects the change of day and night is the earth's rotation around its axis which is inclined relative to the imaginary vertical by 23.5 degrees. Thus, due to the inclination of the axis at a certain point in the earth is not the same length of day and night, it depends on which part of the earth is currently inclined towards the sun during the year. But, of course, due to the rotation of the earth, there is a shift of day and night, irrespective of their length, ie, which hemisphere is closer to the sun for the inclination of the earth's axis.
The answe is: B.