In the "Harry Potter" series by J.K Rowling, Harry's main motive is saving the world, both muggle and wizarding. Since birth, he has been seen as the only hope, the one and only person to kill Voldemort. Voldemort looks to tear apart not only the wizarding world, but the muggle world as well. This means that everyone that Harry cares about is in danger, and this threat motivates him to want to stop Voldemort. In the books, it is shown that Harry cares very much for his friends, but not as much for himself. He doesn't want to be 'The Boy Who Lived', and actually hates the fame and the expectations placed upon him. But it is the knowledge that he is the only person who can kill Voldemort, that if he doesn't his friends and his world will be torn apart, that really motivates him to keep going and fighting. At least, that's my opinion! :)
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