Answer: The verbs that match to their verb forms are:
1. To do - Infinitive
2. Done - past participle
3. Did - past
Explanation: Verbs can take different forms. Some of these forms are the infinitive, the past, and the past participle. The infinitive is formed with the word "to" and the base form of the verb, that is to say the verb without any conjugation. "To do" is an infinitive because it has been formed with "to" and the base form of the verb "do". On the other hand, the past form of the verb consists of the base followed by the suffix "-ed" or "-d" when the verb is a regular one; however, when the verb is irregular, the past form is the same as the base form or has a vowel change from the base form, as it is the case of "did" (the past form of "do"). Moreover, the past participle is formed with the base form and the suffix "-ed", "-d", "-t", "-en", or "-n". If a verb is irregular, the past participle can be formed in different ways. For that reason, the past participle of "do" is "done".