The feudal system of society was most prevalent during the Mediaeval period. The peasants (villeins) would be tied to land owned by a noble and would work on it for their whole life. The noble would get the economical/production advantages from this practice, in return for using the wealth to supply soldiers for the monarch. This practice was mainly found in Europe, though variations of it could be seen all over the world. It collapsed after the 15th Century as the middle classes began to emerge and monarchs took more direct control over all aspects of the country, rather than relying on the nobility to do it for them. This practice survived in the Chinese Empire until its overthrow, and was also prevalent in Russian well into the modern period (serfs were tied to the estates of certain nobles and could not leave for any reason - they were also restricted in many other ways such as not being able to marry without permission etc.) Serfdom collapsed in Russia during the Revolution, when the country became massively industrialized.