Sickle cell disease is a hereditary disease. This means that someone can get sickle cell disease if they receive the sickle genes from BOTH parents. If someone receives a sickle gene from only one parent, then this person does not have sickle cell disease, but instead has the sickle cell trait. This means that they can still pass the trait on to their offspring. Because Juan's father had sickle cell disease and Juan does not, he carries the sickle trait. Since Gina's maternal grandmother had sickle cell disease, Gina's mother had a 50 percent chance of carrying the trait. Since Gina's father doesn't have the trait, Gina thus has a 25 percent chance of carrying the trait. If Gina has a 25 percent chance of carrying the trait and Juan has a 100 percent chance, then together they have a 125/200 chance of both passing the trait on to their children. 125/200 = .625, so they would have a 62.5 percent chance of passing on this trait to their children. Although this percentage does not mean their children would definitely have sickle cell disease, I would advise Juan and Gina to weigh their options, since 62.5 is more than 50 percent.