Answer: 5×10⁴ + 3×10³ + 8×10² + 6×10⁰
Step-by-step explanation:
1) The expanded form of a number is the same number written as the sum of each digit according to its place value.
Using exponents, powers of ten, is very simple as each power is the number of the place value.
This table will help you:
Place value ---------------------------------------power of ten
hundred thousands - 100,000 ------------------ 10⁵
ten thousands - 10,000 ---------------------------- 10⁴
thousands - 1,000 ----------------------------------- 10³
hundreds - 100 --------------------------------------- 10²
tens - 10 ------------------------------------------------- 10¹
ones - 1 ---------------------------------------------------10⁰
2) Now, I will show you how to do it with your number: 53,806.
i) The digit 5 is in the ten thousands place, the 3 is in the thousands place, the 8 is in the hundreds place, the 0 is in the tens place, and the 6 is in the ones place.
ii) So:
5 represents 50,000, or 5×10⁴;
3 represents 3,000, or 3×10³;
8 represents 800, or 8×10²; and
6 represents 6, or 6×10⁰.
iii) Then, the expanded form is the representation of the number as the sum of those values, which is:
5×10⁴ + 3×10³ + 8×10² + 6×10⁰.