Answer to Q1:
The challenges that Arctic areas can face with the increasing effect of global warming include the melting of ice present in these areas. These areas include parts of Russia, Scandinavia, Greenland, Canada, Alaska and the Arctic Ocean. Since all of theses areas are having large beds of ice so increasing melting of ice there could also produce floods and a rise in the sea level plus it can also effect the lives of people living out there.
Answer to Q2:
Global warming in the arctic region can be reduced in the arctic region if the areas which comes under the arctic circle reduce their dependency on carbon based materials. The use of renewable sources of energy can help a lot in this matter. Russia being the largest country in the region can play important role.
Answer to Q3:
The Arctic is the northernmost region of the Earth. It contains constantly moving ocean currents which contribute to a changing and diverse marine ecosystem in the Arctic. If the global warming problem remain the same in this region and it is not solved then the polar bears living there and the marine life could be in danger in the near future. Moreover the small shrubs are present on ice which are the only food for the land animals can also get damage and become extinct.
Answer to Q4:
The following remedies can be taken into account to reduce global warming effects in arctic circle:
Reducing dependency on hydrocarbons as they contain carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas and increase global warming. People living there can use fresh water instead of hot water. Recycling the products to stop pollution may help a lot because burning them will also produce carbon monoxide which is dangerous.