A- Australasia --- Australia
Australasia is the name of a region to the southwest of Oceania, that includes Australia, Melanesia and New Zealand (other times it includes all Oceania or Wallacea).
B- Neotropic --- South America
Neotropic is a term used in biogeography to identify the tropical region of the American continent, which includes almost all of South America, Central America, the Antilles, a part of the United States and a part of Mexico.
C- Palearctic --- Europe, North Africa
The Palearctic region is one of the eight ecozones that divide the Earth's surface. In fact, it is the largest. The Palearctic region includes Europe, Asia north of the Himalayas, northern Africa and the northern and central parts of the Arabian peninsula.
D- Afrotropic --- South Africa
The Afrotropic region is one of the eight ecozones or terrestrial biogeographic regions. It comprises sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, the islands of the western Indian Ocean and extends to the south of the Arabian peninsula.