The square root of 75 lies between 8 and 9
It is very important to understand what is a square root about. Let's see an example.
When you multiply the number 3 twice the result is 9.

The square root consists in the opposite operation. For example, if we need to calculate the square root of 9, the result would be 3.

Now, the idea is to get the integer number between the square root of 75 lies.
Note that the square root of 75 is not an integer. If we multiply twice 8.6603 we obtain 75.
If we multiply the number 8 twice, we get 64.
If we multiply the number 9 twice, we get 81.
So, the square root of 75 lies between 8 and 9.
know that the square root of a number is a mathematical operation that consists in finding a number that