6 votes
Musical Theater

1. The place where the audience sits during a play is called the ________________.
A. Lobby
B. Auditorium
C. Green Room
D. Stage
2. The Edison has seating in the _____________ and in the ______________ above.
A. Orchestra and Balcony
B. Balcony and Wings
C. Lobby and Balcony
D. Pit and Balcony
3. At the very back of the auditorium is the __________________________________. This is where the sound technicians run all the sound effects and sound reinforcement during a show.
A. DJ Booth
B. Control Booth
C. Stage Manager’s Desk
D. Sound Mix Position
4. One flight up, behind the balcony, is the___________, where the lighting technicians control the lights, and the stage manager calls the cues for the show over intercom.
A. DJ Booth
B. Control Booth
C. Stage Manager’s Desk
D. Sound Mix Position
5. The ___________________ is the lighting position over the audience’s heads.
B. Electric
C. Alcove
6. The lighting position on the side of the proscenium is called the ________________.
B. Electric
C. Alcove
7. During a musical, the orchestra usually sits in the ________________________.
A. Wings
B. Backstage
C. Pit
D. Lobby
© Theatrefolk 2020 1
8. The stage opening is called the ___________________________.
A. Parenski
B. Presidio
C. Thrust
D. Proscenium
9. _______________________is a huge curtain made of fire resistant material that quickly seals off the entire proscenium opening in case of a fire onstage.
A. Fire Curtain
B. Grand Drape
C. Act Curtain
D. Scrim
10.The curtain that closes off almost the entire stage is called the ________________.
A. Grand Teaser
B. Grand Drape
C. Act Curtain
D. Cyc
11.The area between the main curtain and the orchestra pit is called the __________.
A. Wings
B. Apron
C. Stage
D. Fly Loft
12.A large open space with pipes, curtains, and lighting instruments hanging in the air is called the ___________________.
A. Wings
B. Apron
C. Stage
D. Fly Loft
13.The lighting positions over the stage are called the _______________________.
B. Alcoves
C. Electrics
D. Floor Pockets
14.Pipes that can be lowered and raised, and are used to hang scenery in the air until it is needed are called_________________________.
A. Drops
B. Tormentors
C. Teasers
D. Battens
15.The_________________________ is a series of weights, pipes and ropes used to hang and fly scenery, curtains, and electrics in and out of sight of the audience.
A. Drop
B. Counterweight System
C. Alcove
D. Batten
© Theatrefolk 2020 2
16. Anyone using #15 needs to be trained by a _______________________________.
A. Stagehand
B. Director
C. Certified Rigger
D. Fellow Student
17. The curtain just upstage from the main curtain, that hides things hanging over the stage is the ______________________.
A. Backdrop
B. Cyc
C. Grand Drape
D. Tormentor
18. The curtains that hide the upstage fly space from the audience are called ___________________.
A. Teasers
B. Cycs
C. Grand Drapes
D. Tormentors
19. The off-stage area where scenery can be stored is called the ________________________ area.
A. Wing
B. Call Board
C. Green Room
D. Tormentor
20. ________________ hide the offstage areas from the audience.
A. Teasers
B. Legs
C. Grand Drapes
D. Travellers
21. The first set of legs are called the ______________________________.
A. Teasers
B. Legs
C. Grand Drapes
D. Tormentors
22. Curtains that can close off part of the stage from the audience’s view are called ___________.
A. Scrims
B. Travelers
C. Cyc
D. Backdrop
23. A _____________ is a large canvas background that is the last curtain that is often white so it can be turned different colors just by shining different colors of light on it.
A. Scrim
B. Traveler
C. Cyc
D. Backdrop
© Theatrefolk 2020 3
24.A large piece of fabric, painted to resemble some thing or some place, is called a ________.
A. Scrim
B. Traveler
C. Cyc
D. Backdrop
25.A specialty curtain that is made of a see-through material that looks solid when lit from the front... and transparent when lit from the rear is called a ________________.
A. Scrim
B. Traveler
C. Cyc
D. Backdrop
26.Anything electrical that is used close to floor level is plugged into _____________.
B. Alcoves
C. Electrics
D. Floor Pockets
27.Rehearsal schedules, tech schedules, sign-up sheets, and all theater related messages are posted on the _____________________
A. Call Board
B. Lobby Door
C. Scene Shop
D. Green Room
28.The _____________ is where the carpenters build the sets, and the scenic artists paint them.
A. Call Board
B. Lobby Door
C. Scene Shop
D. Green Room
29.The ____________________ is where the actors hang out when they’re not on-stage for an extended time.
A. Costume Shop
B. Costume Shop
C. Scene Shop
D. Green Room
30.The_________________ is where the actors change clothes, do make-up, and get ready to perform.
A. Dressing Room
B. Costume Shop
C. Scene Shop
D. Green Room

2 Answers

2 votes
I believe the first one is A or B
User Jeremy Rayman
6.8k points
9 votes

that's wayyy to long bro sorry

User Krupa Kakkad
7.2k points