Okay let’s do this! Lol
Essays are made out to be so hard, but I’ve learned if you just break down the key points and highlight the main factors in your essay, you’re pretty good. Let me give you some ideas to start off...
Parenting methods-
- discipline/ kids need this so they can learn to obey and have self control.
- set an example/ kids are watching you all the time, make it worth it because they will follow.
- time/ children need and deserve attention. Adults of course have work and things that keep them busy, but making time for your kids will definitely make all of the difference in the long run.
- communication/ a lot of kids have school, peer pressure, tests, and stressors, just like adults do. They need someone to talk to them! All through childhood they will need a friend and life coach. A parent with good communication with their child is perfect for that!
Common problems and solutions:
- Tantrum toddler/ a lot of young kids throw fits when their little. Sometimes it’s a phase, sometimes it continues. The solution is discipline. You make sure they know who is boss and what respect means, especially at an early age.
- Teen years/ a lot of adults make teen years sound HORRIBLE. But really, depending on how you deal with your child will result in successful teen years. Communication and love is key. Kids need to know they are loved and know there is someone to talk to.
- Curfew/ many kids who have been given the privilege to go out sometimes forget about a decent time to be home. Some kids have lost respect for parents, some take advantage of that privilege and misuse it. A calm conversation about boundaries and limits should do the trick!
Okay... now I’m no parenting expert, but if I were constructing an essay in parenting, these are the list of things I would put in there. Let me know if you have questions or concerns. Happy to help. Have a great day and happy essay writing!