I found the instructions for the exercise online: ''Read these comments from several people who just started living on their own for the first time. Then, write a suggestion for each one using a word or expression from the list and the subjunctive. Do not repeat expressions.
List: importante que; es necesario que; es urgente que; aconsejar; recomendar; sugerir ."
- Te recomiendo que pidas comida en un restaurante que ya conozcas.
- Es importante que hables con tu vecino y le expliques la situación.
- Te sugiero que empieces por el baño que es el espacio más pequeño del apartamento.
- Es urgente que laves tu camisa, de lo contrario la mancha no saldrá.
- Es necesario que dejes de realizar ciertos gastos innecesarios si quieres ahorrar.
Step-by-step explanation:
In this exercise, you have to answer the questions using the expressions given and the subjunctive mood.
In this case, it is the Spanish present subjunctive (''presente de subjuntivo'' in Spanish), which is used to talk about situations of doubt, desire, emotion, necessity, or uncertainty, as well as recommendations.