step 1) when you multiply with decimals you dont line them up like addition you line them up as if they are regular numbers so 8.3 becomes 83 and 24.2 is 242 0.03 is just 3
step 2) now to make a decimal a whole we have to move the decimal to the right 1 time for 8.3 1 for 24.2 and 2 for 0.03
step 3) 242 times 83 is 20,086, 20,086 times 3 is 60,258
step 4) now all the numbers you used and count how many time you had to move the decimal to the right take the take the answer for each number (look at step 2) and add them together to get 4
step 5) take 60,258 now put the decimal at the end of the number and 4 times you moved it to the right now do left move it left 4 times
step 6) write your correct answer down 6.0258