1)mercury is the smallest planet and is the closest planet to the sun, making it extremely hot
2)venus is one of the brightest things in the sky after the moon and sun, it often looks like a bright star in the evening/morning sky
3)earth is the planet we live in, it is full of life, water, and land making it a suitable place to live
4)mars is the fourth planet from the sun and it is often visible to the naked eye it is about 1/6 the size of earth
5)Jupiter is the largest planet of the solar system, it is so large that more than 1,300 earths could fit inside
6)Saturn is a gas giant like Jupiter and it is the second largest planet
7)Uranus is very cold and windy, it has 27 moons and 13 rings around it
8)Neptune is the last of the helium and hydrogen gas giants in the solar system, it completed its first orbit in 1846