day-to-dayImagine you are working for Hasbro making Gummy Bear containers. On a day to day basis you fill
up two different size containers with gummy bears. One of the containers is 3.3 x 4.5 x 6.9 in
dimensions and contains 203 gummy bears. The other is 8.8 x 8.0 x 9.9 in dimensions. About how
many gummy bears would fit in the box? Round to the nearest whole number.
step 1
Find out the volume of container one
substitute given values
V=102.465 in3
step 2
Find out the volume of container 2
V=696.96 in3
step 3
Apply proportion to find out the number of gummy bears in container 2
solve for x
x=1,381 gummy bears