17. Right answer:
Ellos means they and is the subject pronoun that matches the third person plural. There are two words in Spanish that stands for the third person plural, these are ellas and ellos. So ellas is used only for female nouns and ellos when talking about only masculine nouns or to include masculine and feminine nouns in a sentence. That's the case of option b) where Juan and Paco are masculine nouns (because they are men) and Lorena is a feminine noun (because she's a woman).
On the other hand, in option a) we must use nosotros. In option c) ellas and in option d) usted or él depending on the context.
18. Right answer:
c) We cook eggs and ham for breakfast.
It's easy to see that this is the correct option because nosotros means we and this last word appears only in option c). On the other hand, this sentence stands for the simple present tense and cocinamos comes from the verb cocinar and matches the first person plural (nosotros). Finally:
Nosotros cocinamos huevos y jamón para el desayuno means We cook eggs and ham for breakfast.
19. Right answer:
a) trabajan
Trabajan is the conjugation of the verb trabajar for the third person plural in the simple present. Recall that the simple present tense is used to talk about habitual actions or routines. This tense is also used to describe things that happen now or in the near future. So this sentence can be written and translated as follows:
Ellos trabajan en el restaurante (They work at the restaurant)
20. Right answer:
a) nunca
Siempre and nunca are adverbs of time. An adverb is a word or group of words that describes or modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb or a whole sentence. Adverbs of time give information on time, duration, and frequency answering questions like When? and How often? So siempre means always and nunca means never and these two terms are opposites.
21. Right answer:
a) Son las tres y media
When telling the time in the present we use the verb ser in two forms. First of all, we use es when we refers to one o’clock and use son when we refers to all other hours. Since the problem establishes 3:30, we choose option a) as the correct. Then, the dialogue is as follows:
¿Qué hora es?
Son las tres y media
22. Right answer:
a) Lejos de
Both cerca de and lejos de are prepositions. A preposition is a word (or group of words) which is used to show the way which other words are connected, that is, they are used to indicate a relationship between two words or phrases, between nouns, between nouns and verbs, and between different parts of a sentence. So cerca de means close to or near to and lejos de means far from, hence these two prepositions are opposites.
23. Right answer:
a) Mis hermanas trabajan mucho.
This is the correct sentence because the word trabajan stands for the third person singular in the simple present being the conjugation of the verb trabajar. So this sentence stands for the third person singular in the simple present. The other sentences have incorrect conjugations of the verb trabajar. So trabajas stands for the second person singular in the simple present, trabajo stands for the first person singular in the simple present and trabajar is an infinitive verb.
24. Right answer:
a) Leer
This is the more logical answer because leer translates into to read and the whole sentence me gusta leer mi libro means I like to read my book. The other words are also infinitive verbs but it's illogical for them to be used here. Correr means to run, escribir means to write and describir means to describe. Finally:
Me gusta leer mi libro
25. Right answer:
b) escribe
This is the more logical answer because escribe is the conjugation of the verb escribir for the third person singular in the simple present. This verb means to write and the whole sentence la estudiante escribe en el papel means the student writes on paper. The other words are also verbs in the simple present but it's illogical for them to be used here. Aprende comes from aprender (to learn), hace comes from hacer (to do, to make) and lee comes from leer (to read). Finally:
La estudiante escribe en el papel.