Slate pressed his forehead against the cold, unyielding glass and gazed outward, looking at nothing. There was nothing to see. The bus trundled and coughed its way along the road, which was nothing more than a straight black line strewn across the white expanse before narrowing into a single point. Cracks in the parched earth rushed by in a mind numbing blur. The sky was obscured by a dingy sepia haze that were forced into a partial recession by the rays of the dying sun. Needles of light streaked outward and beat down on anything within reach, fighting a losing battle to reclaim space in the sky. Slate, being caught in the midst of the sun's accusatory glare, was forced to squint. He did not however, try to look away. He would have rather faced the angry snarl of four million kilometers of condensed plasma than that of the creature in the bus with him. The only other living thing within two hundred miles besides the guard cradling a rifle in his lap and the woman driving the bus. The boy didn't even have to turn to feel that caustic look perforating the back of his skull. There, in the back seat sat Julia, the senator's daughter. Her hands were folded delicately across her lap, possessing a delicate quality that would draw envy from any china doll. Golden curls flowed like water from the top of her head and tickled her waistline. Two frigid hazel eyes stared out from underneath the curtain of hair, seeming to be weighed down by a thick layer of make up. Slate imagined what he would find if he could peel back her perfect face. If he wasn't cuffed to the wall of the bus and wrenched away a few layers of skin. Her lips were drawn into a tight scowl that twisted her beautiful face into something very unpleasant. The immaculate white dress she wore was spotless, yet Slate had never seen anyone so filthy.