The healthcare facility is guilty of falsification of medical records and medical malpractice.
Step-by-step explanation:
Medical malpractice and falsification of medical records:
If the medical or health facility recorded false information about a patient’s condition and transferred the files to another doctor’s practice. Then there is big risk for the physician,who helps or is even involved in falsification of the medical reports or documents as they may be charged with felony, can lose there license, and are left with no moral grounds to continue there professional life inside the respective field. If there is a case that the accusation made about them of having recorded false and self made documentations relating an individual or a patient, then can also a different case of law suit against any individual related to that case.
Now, for each case there is a different type of procedure an lawsuit present helping the patient as well as any professionals to perform any legal actions against any accusation of medical reports or falsification of medical reports.