U-238, the common isotope of uranium, has 92 protons, 146 neutrons, and 92 electrons. U-235 is another isotope of uranium. How do the number of subatomic particles of U-238 and U-235 differ?
A. U-238 has three more electrons than U-235.
B. U-238 has three more neutrons than U-235.
C. U-238 has one more proton and two more neutrons than U-235.
D. U-238 has one more electron and two more protons than U-235.
How are mixtures different from compounds?
A. Mixtures combine to produce salts; compounds do not.
B. Mixtures can be separated by physical means; compounds cannot.
C. Mixtures combine several different elements; compounds only combine one element.
D. Mixtures involve particles that can be seen, like sand; compounds involve particles that cannot be seen, like air.