a. Non- Sufficient fund fee--------checking account
Non-sufficient fund fees, all the more ordinarily known as NSF charges, are charged when your financial records does not have enough cash for a buy or installment you endeavor to make. This buy or installment could be with a platinum card or a check, and as opposed to enabling the buy to experience; the bank will dismiss it and charge you an expense. This is otherwise called a returned item fee.
b. cash advance fee-----------credit card
Your credit card may accompany the capacity to make an exchange called a loan. You should seriously think about utilizing it when you need to get money from your charge card, however realize that it's a standout among the most costly credit card transactions.
Assuming out a transactions cash advance is somewhat similar to pulling back money from the ATM utilizing your charge card, just with a credit card cash advance you're acquiring money from your credit limit, not from your financial records. When you take out development on your credit card, you need to reimburse the cash similarly as you do with buys you make on your credit card.
c. co-pay------------health insurance
A copayment (or "copay") is a fiscal charge that your health care coverage plan may expect you to pay so as to get an explicit restorative administration or supply. For instance, your medical coverage plan may require a $15 copayment for an office visit or brand-name physician endorsed tranquilize. After you make the $15 copayment, your insurance agency by and large pays the rest of the charges.
d. interest payment-------mortgage
On the off chance that you are asserting benefits, you might have the capacity to get help with your lodging costs, including mortgage interest payments and interest on credits you have taken out for fixes or upgrades.
The loan will offer indistinguishable help from the present installments, yet you should replay the credit in the event that you move or exchange responsibility for property.