1. Producer-an organism that makes its own food (like plants)
2. Primary consumer-are herbivores
3. Secondary consumer-carnivores and omnivores
4. Tertiary consumer-carnivores at top level in food chain and only feeds on secondary consumers
5. Decomposer-organism that breaks down dead decaying matter and turns them in nutrients
6. Matter is neither created or destroyed
7. A bunch of food chains linked together
8. Occurs in an empty habitat
9. Started by a natural event
10. Organisms that return after a disturbance in the ecosystem
11. Relationship between two different species
12. Production of light by an organism
13. An animal, plant, or bacteria
14. A group off organisms that interbreed in and live in the same place at the same time
15. Different species working together in an ecosystem
16. A community of organisms interacting with each other and their environment
17. Climate is weather changing over a long period of time while weather is what the atmosphere is like right now
18. Climatic changes affecting the Pacific regions
19. Indigenous is being a native of a place naturally while nonindigenous is placed there because of humans
20. A species that is an alien to the place and can cause harm to the environment that they are in
21. Species seriously at risk of going extinct
22. Means that a species is no longer in existence
Hope this helps!! :)