I've read this poem before, and wrote an essay about the same topic. Odd. Anyhow, I'm looking at the corrections that were made by my teacher at the time, and I have a few things you might want to put down, just as lessons I've learned from this. The tiger is the main "character", and it seems as if we should fear it. The use of fire by the author adds to that fear. Also, the narrator aims to paint that picture in your head of the glowing eyes in the dead of night, wandering through the forest. You can easily find examples of that in the text. The narrator also questions (in a way) if there's anything as strong as a tiger, and if such a being could be created, adding to the seeming fondness of the tiger on the narrator's part. He also uses God in his poem, who's created this beast and says "did his smile work to see", and many other lines hinting to a God. Hope this helps.