How are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam similar?
A. They regard Muhammad as the last prophet.
B. They worship Jesus as the Son of God.
C. They are monotheistic.
D. They originated before the A.D. 200s.
What happened in 1948 that started a war between Arabs and Jews?
A. Iraq invafed Kuwait.
B. Israel declared independence.
C. The Kurds gained their own territory.
D. The Ottoman Empire collapsed.
How did Great Britain and France increase tensions in Southwest Asia after World War 1?
A. They drew political boundaries with little regard for existing ethnic and religious divisions.
B. They restored the Ottoman rule over the region.
C. They invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein from power.
D. They encouraged popular uprisings for democracy in Syria and Yemen.
How did Jews and Arabs respond to the United Nations proposal in 1947 to divide Palestine into two states?
A. Jews accepted it and Arabs rejected it.
B. Jews rejected it and Arabs accepted it.
C. Jews and Arab both accepted it.
D. Jews and Arab both rejected it.