1. la pelota
2. el juguete
3. piscina: ir a cine
4. equipo
5. ir de excursión
6. ir a cine
7. el campeón
8. ara jugar un partido de baloncesto
9. doce
10. hay un partido contra otro equipo
11. for actions completed in the past
12. habló
13. estudié
14. asistimos
15. fue
16. llegué
17. comiste
18. alcancé
19. abarqué
20. cayó
21. estudiaron
Step-by-step explanation:
1. La pelota (the ball) can not be read. The question is to choose the word which can not be read. All the other objects can be read. La revista (the magazine), las noticias (the news), el periódico (the newspaper).
2.El juguete (the toy) is not needed to play Football. All other items are needed for that activity.
3. Piscina: ir a cine (pool: go to the movies) is the only pair of words that doesn't make sense together. All other pairs are related. television: mirar (television: watch); tiempo libre: jugar un deporte (free time: play sports); periódico: leer (newspaper: to read).
4. equipo (team). The sentence is: No me gustan los deportes de equipo ( I don't like team sports). The other options don't make sense in that sentence.
5. Ir the excursión (go on an excursion). The sentence is: Prefiero estar afuera en la naturaleza. La mejor actividad para mi es Ir de excursión ( I rather be out in nature. The best activity for me is going on an excursion). The other activities are not related with being out in nature. Escuchar musica (listening to music); luchar ( wrestling), ir a patinar (go skating).
6. Ir al cine (go to the movie theater). The sentence is: Necesito ir al cine para ver una película ( I need to go to the movie theater to watch a movie)
The other options are not directly related. Ir a patinar (go skating); Ir de compras (go shopping); ir the excursión ( go on an excursion).
7. El campeón ( the champion). The sentence is: El equipo que gana un campeonato es el campeón (The team that wins the championship is the champion) . The other options don´t go with the sentence. El champiñón (The mushroom); El balón (the ball); El anuncio (the advertisement).
8. Para jugar un partido de baloncesto (to play a basketball match). In the conversation Juan asks Carlos: "Estás listo para jugar baloncesto hoy con mi equipo?" (Are you ready to play basketball today with my team?).
9. Doce (twelve). In the conversation Juan tells Carlos : "Hay doce miembros de nuestro equipo en total" (There´s twelve people total in our team)
10. Hay un partido contra otro equipo (there's a match against another team). We can imply this base on the following segments: Juan tells Carlos "Estás listo para jugar baloncesto hoy con mi equipo?" (are you ready to play basketball today with my team?); and in the final segment Carlos replies "¡Espero ganar el partido! (I hope to win the match!).
11. For actions completed in the past. The preterite is a grammatical tense or verb form used to denote events that took place or where completed in the past.
12. Habló (spoke). Habló is the correct conjugation of the verb Hablar (to speak) in 3rd person "Ella" (She) in Preterit
13. Estudié (studied). Estudié in the correct conjugation of the verb Estudiar (to Study) in 1st person "Yo" (I) in Preterit
14. Asistimos (attended). Asistimos is the correct conjugation of the verb Asistir (to Attend) in 1st person plural "Nosotros" (we) in Preterit
15. Fue (went). Fue is the correct conjugation of the verb Ir (to Go) in 3rd person "Él" (He) in Preterit
16. Llegué (arrived). Llegué is the correct conjugation of the verb Llegar ( to Arrive) in 1st person "Yo" (I) in Preterit
17. Comiste (ate). Comiste is the correct conjugation of the verb Comer (to Eat) in 2nd person "Tú" (You) in Preterit
18. Alcancé (reached). Alcancé is the correct conjugation of the verb Alcanzar ( to Reach something) in 1st person "Yo" (I) in Preterit.
19. Abarqué (covered or included). Abarqué is the correct conjugation of the verb Abarcar (to Cover, or to Include) in 1st person "Yo" (I) in Preterit.
20. Cayó (Fell). Cayó is the correct conjugation of the verb Caer (to Fall) in 3rd person "Ella" (She) in Preterit.
21. Estudiaron (studied). Estudiaron is the correct conjugation of the verb Estudiar (to Study) in 3rd person plural "Ellos" (They) In preterit.