Step-by-step explanation:
The use of Perspective was retaken by Italian renacentists, to convey paintings sensations of depth and space. This innovated from the former classism or iconic representations that preceded.
A great example is the Mona Lisa. (Painting)
The Renaissance painters also, to their part, applied math, geometric and notions of linear perspective to establish a vanishing point and portray illusins of spacing and depth in the paintings, like the Monalisa ยก.
The realism present in the Monalisa was characteristic, it also makes the painting more captivating and use of perspective is widespread.
Flornece Duomo (Architeture)
The interest came first, as Filippo Brunellesco made the use of linear perspective common use.
Ser Brunellesco was most notable in constructing the Duomo of Florence, a major work often thought as a unprecedent work of architecture.
The construction of the Duomo employed new ways of constructing in three dimensional space and employed engineering innovations.
See the image below: