Need help on some questions
Waldo is traveling through the mountains of Syria and Turkey. He was walking to the people there and he learned that the people see themselves as a distinct ethnic group and they speak their own language. They also told him that they hope to have a nation of their own someday. Which ethnic group is Waldo talking to?
A. Persians
B. Kurds
C. Shia
D. Arabs
2. Waldo is having fun experiencing the culture of the Middle East. He is learning about the ethnic group that makes up the majority of the people of the Middle East. He also learned that this ethnic group mainly speaks the Arabic language and believe themselves to be descendants from Abraham. What ethnic group is Waldo learning about?
A. Arab
B. Persian
C. Muslim
D. Kurd
3. FLASHBACK: Waldo has a flashback from his journey through SouthEAST Asia. He remembers floating down India's most important river. This river began in the Himalayan Mountains and flowed southeast before emptying into the Bay of Bengal. Along the way, Waldo saw a lot of pollution and trash in this very important river. Waldo can't remember the name of the river. Can you help him out? What was the name of the river?
A. Indus
B. Ganges
C. Jordan
D. Tigris
Thanks for the help