Les Couleurs Test 1- Test (1-29)
Fill in the blank with the letter of the description that best matches the term.
Match the correct form of the verb être with the subject pronoun.
1. nous- F. sommes
2. tu- C. es
3. vous- B. êtes
4. ils- A. sont
5. on- E. est
6. je- D. suis
Match the pictures with the French adjective that best describes it.
7. C. gros
8. E. blond
9. B. forte
10. A. grosse
11. J. faible
12. F. fort
13. H. blonde
14. I. mince
15. G.brun
16. D. brune
Match the color with the correct French word.
17. G. bleu
18. C. rouge
19. D. violet
20. B. vert
21. F. noir
22. E. rose
23. A. orange
24. Nous sommes intelligents. This sentence tells us: (2 points)
A. I am smart.
B. He is smart.
C. We are smart.
D. You are smart.
25. Le femme est rousse. This tells us: (2 points)
A. The man is red-headed.
B. The girl is red-headed.
C. I am red-headed.
D. The woman is red-headed.
26. Comment es-tu? This question asks: (2 points)
A. about a person's health.
B. about what a person is like.
C. how a person is feeling today.
D. what a person is wearing.
27. Adjectives in French change gender depending on (2 points)
A. who is speaking.
B. who is listening.
C. who is writing.
D. who is being described.
28. Which of the following says "a big book" in French? (3 points)
A. un livre grand
B. le grand livre
C. une grand livre
D. un grand livre
End of Les Couleurs Test 1- Test (1-29)
29. Which of the following says "some strong man" in French? (3 points)
A. les hommes forts
B. des forts hommes
C. des hommes forts
D. les forts hommes
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