The answer is Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus)
Step-by-step explanation:
Now we have to understand why they were so important, eacho one on their roles.
Machiavelli (Niccolò Machiavelli) was a man of the letters, as we commonly call a person who has several academic titles. One of his important roles was as a diplomatic and acted in the court of Lorenzo de' Medici in the 16th century. As a philosopher, he is considered of one the founders of the Political Science because of "The Prince", a book that he wrote in order to "teach" how a ruler (especially a king) should behave with his people, relatives and mainly, with the enemies. The importance of Machiavelli for Humanism is because his book portraits human behavior that was genuine. What does it mean? It means that a human being can betrayal, kill, act mischievously in order to obtain what he wants. Machiavelli understood humans as humans, not how religious beliefs usually portrait God's creation. To Machiavelli, just like Aristotle, humans are political animals. Nothing more.
In the case of Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus), his contribution to Humanism was to the Heliocentrism, a theory that attests to the Sun as the center of the Universe, not the Earth as the Church attested at that time. Why is this important? Because it breaks an idea that was established since the 1st century AD. According to Claudius Ptolemy, Earth was the center, and the Church embraced this idea for centuries. Even worse, no one could say the contrary. When Copernicus puts the Earth as an ordinary Planet, just like the others, he is saying that humans are not pure, perfect and important, but ordinary beings.