11. Right answer:
C. national theater of san salvador
This is the oldest theater in Central America, whose construction began on November 3, 1911 by the French architect Daniel Beylard and was inaugurated on March 1, 1917. This building has a Renaissance style with modern touches. The decoration was carried out by the Italian architect Lucio Cappellaro. The Great Hall is considered to be one of the most beautiful and elegant in Central America.
12. Right answer:
D. deserts
Costa Rica has no deserts. This is a country located in Central American Isthmus, so the interior of Costa Rica is mountains that are blanketed in jungle and forest. Accordingly, the nation's terrain is a coastal plain that is separated by rugged mountains. that are the Cordillera Central and the Cordillera de Talamanca.
14. Right answer:
B. bailarin
The words cantante, bailarin, atleta and joven are nouns. In Spanish, a noun is always either singular or plural. Nouns are usually introduced by a determiner, pointing out the number of the noun. If a noun refers to a person, the person’s sex usually determines the gender of the noun. In general, we form the feminine form of a noun by using an a ending. However, sometimes, you may find that the masculine and feminine form of a noun are the same, that are cantante, atleta and joven. Finally, bailarín is a masculine noun.
15. Right answer:
D. San Salvador is the capital of el Salvador
San Salvador is the capital and the most popular city of El Salvador, so this is the country's political, cultural, educational and financial center. This was founded in 1525 by Pedro de Alvarado. At present, it has a population of 1,767,102. On the other hand, the national capital has an area 71.45 km².
16. Right answer:
D. Panamá
Panamá is situated in the southernmost side of Central America on Isthmus of Panama. It ha been culturally linked to Latin America. This country is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the South, Costa Rica to the west and Colombia to the southeast. The capital of this country is Panama City.
17. Right answer:
B. deportivos
It is likely that you see animadores (cheerleader) at sports. A cheerleader is a practitioner of cheerleading, that is is an activity where the participants, that are the cheerleaders as we said above, cheer for their team as a type of encouragement. It is also performed to motivate sports teams, entertainment for audience or for competition.
18. Right answer:
D. Honduras
The Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve has a preserved land of 5,250 km² in La Mosquitia region on the Caribbean coast of Honduras. Since 1982, this location has been a World Heritage site and biosphere reserve. In this place live more than 2,000 indigenous people and as well as a growing number of migrant inhabitant.
19. Right answer:
B. el ajedrez
The Panamanian Chess Championship is the individual national chess championship of Panama. The first edition was carried out in 1945 and the winner was Rubén Darío Cabrera. The only country in the world where a father and a daughter have been champions in the same year twice is Panama. This happened in 2004 and 2008.
20. Right answer:
C. Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt was an American statesman and writer. This man served as the 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. He oversaw the realization of the Panama Canal. It was completed in 1914 and symbolized U.S. technological prowess and economic power. There are pictures of Roosevelt in 1908 Roosevelt on a digging machine during construction of the Panama Canal.