1. The popularity of works such as Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac and "The Way to Wealth" both represented a major transformation in the values and way of life in 18th century America. Both of these works represented the beginning of an immense change in the style of American literature as compared to the simple and direct Puritan style of writing prior to the introduction of these works. This newer style of writing, established by Benjamin Franklin and other prominent authors, was more complex and lacked the religious dogma and indoctrination tactics that were featured with the Puritans' works of writing. As such, the new literature also showed that the American people were craving more complicated writing that required more critical thinking rather than simply being told what to believe and how to practice their religion. Furthermore, Americans during this time were beginning to realize that Great Britain was not treating them particularly kindly now that they had to do more thinking even while reading.
2. Article V of the Constitution of the United States of America has and always will be important to the freedom of the American people for so long as the document stands. This particular article of the Constitution describes the process wherein the U.S. Congress is able to make changes and edits to the Constitution. This article is especially vital to the protection of the rights of the American people because the process is long and complicated; however, it is set up this way so that no single branch of government is able to have control over the laws and amendments that are put into the Constitution. The Judiciary, Executive, and Legislative branches of the government are all part of the process; if one disagrees with a potential law or amendment, then it is sent back to either be changed or scrapped. In this way, each branch will ensure that none of the freedoms or rights of the American people are taken away.
3. A utopia, by definition, is an imaginary place in which everything is perfect without flaw or worry. Society is peaceful, individuals are healthy, war is nonexistent, poverty and homelessness is eliminated, and the government is fair to all people. Visions of these utopias, however, are simply visions. They cannot ever become a reality. As such, they are too good to be true, and such is the case with Crevecoeur's American Utopia that he created. In this utopia, equal opportunity is available for every individual, poverty is now unheard of, families can stay together and be healthy, and everyone in America has the ability to own their own land without the need to ask for permission from noblemen or higher authority. In this world that Crevecoeur describes, it is best classified as a utopia because this image of America can never be feasible.This is because the world, in reality, is impossible to have such communication that a utopia could ever be created.
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