A first-aid manual is necessary first and foremost for all of the items contained in the first aid kit. The first thing is different sized sterile gauze pads, adhesive tape to allow actual use of most materials in the first aid kit. Band-Aids in several sizes are always nice to have in case of a small cut or scrape. Elastic bandage (like an Ace wrap) for more serious injuries or strains that need pressure to material that moves with your body. Antiseptic/biotic materials to prevent infections and sickness. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are examples of these. Some basic tools are tweezers, scissors, disposable instant cold packs, thermometer, alcohol wipes, a blanket, gloves and a flashlight. Extra items that would be nice to have if you are trained in using them are mouthpiece for administering CPR (can be purchased at the drugstore) and splints for sprains or broken bones while away from major help.
Step-by-step explanation: