We know that 1/7 < 1/6 < 1/5
let's change the numbers to decimals we can see what decimals we can use that are between the number 1/5 and 1/7 .
We can use any number between these two decimals to create a fraction. Let us use .18
0.14 < 0.18 < 0.20
Now we can change that number to a fraction.
1/7 < 18/100 < 1/5---reduce to 1/7 < 9/50 < 1/5, this will be equivalent to
or 1/7 (50/50) < 9/50 ( 7/7) < 1/5 ( 70/70) because we need the same denominator for compare ...50/350 < 63/350 < 70/350
simplify 5/35 < 6.3/35 < 7/35....
One fraction that is between 1/5 and 1/7 that does not have a denominator of 6 is 6.3 /35. or round off to 6/35