4 votes
Examples of social deviance?

1 Answer

2 votes
Deviant acts are classified into two categories, namely formal and informal. Formal deviance relates to criminal acts as dictated by the law, while informal deviance is dictated by social norms.

, here is a list of few things which are deviant in my society ranging both formal and informal.

Hunting or killing an animal for food or sport.

Medical experimentation on animals.

Dyeing your hair purple and wearing a spike cut.

Smoking marijuana.

Using hallucinogenic drugs or narcotics.

Selling illicit drugs.

Cheating on an exam.

Cheating on your taxes.

Seeing someone else cheat and not reporting it.

Premarital (you know what)

Gay or lesbian ( you kow what)

Marrying your sister/brother or first cousin.

Having (you know what) with an animal.

Watching a x rated movie
Making a x rated movie
Extramarital (you know what)



And the list goes on and on. Deviant acts also may be subjective to individual to individual. One may find certain act very deviant in her/his eyes while other may look at it normally.