The plan was for Juliet to talk to her parents to show them that she was going to follow rules and she was going to marry Paris. If she were to do this, her father would forgive her. The idea was meant to hide the truth, this truth being that she was about the drink poison. This is considered dramatic irony.This is considered dramatic irony because the audience or the reader is already aware of the plan that is supposed to take place. The Friar and Juliet had a mischievous plan for Juliet and Romeo to get married. They plan to make Juliet seem like she is dead then when she gets taken to the grave, Romeo shall go in and find her there. Though this plan ended in one of the biggest tragedies because it didn't go as planned. Romeo thought Juliet was actually dead and then he killed himself by drinking a deadly poison. After Juliet woke up and found him dead, she kissed his lips and the poison was transferred and they both died.