Macbeth feels that time doesn't care about what happens to a man. So, the death of Lady Macbeth doesn't really affect him in the way it should have.
Step-by-step explanation:
The lines “tomorrow tomorrow and tomorrow Creeps in the petty pace from day to day To the last syllable of recorded time” are from Act 5 scene v of William Shakespeare's "Macbeth". It is the scene after the war when Macbeth hears of his wife's death.
When Macbeth was told of his wife's death, he doesn't seem to be particularly sad or shaken. It was as if he had expected it all along. He knows that life is just some meaningless journey after which we will all eventually return to dust. The lines shows his acceptance of death as being a part of this life phase. To him, life is just a passing through from one journey to the next. Time still goes as it always has and always will, no matter what happens in a man's life.