1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False
Step-by-step explanation:
Fossils help scientist date rocks: Fossil presence is one of the most useful characteristics to date a rock, a fossil will set a specific geological age in which the organisms was present in the world, and vice-versa a new fossil can be dated by studying the age of the rock it was found.
Answer: True
Sometimes younger rock layers are found beneath older rock layers: This phenomenon can be found in rock layers near the surface because process such as landslides that happen on the surface moves the surface rocks often resulting in older rocks appearing in the surface and younger rocks being buried by them.
Answer: True
No fossils from the Precambrian era have been found because there were no organisms at that time: Although the number of organisms where very little organisms like algae (Stromatolites) were present in this era and fossils can be found.
Answer: False
The map of Earth has changed over millions of years: but it is now set: The Earth crust is actually still moving, and will always move due to the tectonic plates and their movement caused by density and pressure, Nowadays The countries have moved from their once mapped location, because of this maps are needed to be updated by new geodesic measurements of the surface. Earth crust moves 2.5 centimeters per year.
Answer: False