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Step-by-step explanation:
If we define biodiversity as the number of species in an ecosystem (without considering abundance) then student 2 got the area with the greatest biodiversity, because he observed three species, when all other students observed only one species.
Think globally, act locally! is an expression that calls for action, and its foundation is that even a small local action can, when joined with other small local actions, result in a larger impact with a global impact. A great idea isn't it? It basically empowers you to act with a notion that it will matter.
If we consider the case for carbon, many organisms are part of its biochemical cycle, like plants, herbivores and carnivores, and even detritivores. The plants use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to buid their tissues which are later consumed by herbivores that are then eaten by the carnivores. In each of these steps carbon is transferred (recycled) from one link of the food chain to the next. When the plants and the animals die the detritivores decompose them and carbon is incorporated to the soil. During respiration, animals release carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere.
Humans have impacted the carbon cycle by extracting carbon products from the ground (fossil fuels like charcoal and oil) and when they are burnt they are released to the atmosphere enriching the carbon dioxide concentration and causing the greenhouse effect and climate warming.
To reduce the harmful human impact on the ecosystem we could use public transportation instead of driving cars, and use cleaner forms of energy like solar energy.