Location A
Location B
Location C
Good view from this hilltop; chilly and windy. We rested to catch our breath, then collected samples. Rocks are visible everywhere. There are boulders, cobbles, and pebbles of many sizes ans shapes mixed together. These surface rock fragments are composed of metamorphic rock sitting on the limestone bedrock. The teacher showed us parallel scratches in the bedrock. I saw almost no soil.
It is rocky and the stream bank is steep. Where we are standing, we can see a waterfall and rapids. It is cool by the water. From the streambed we collected pebbles and cobbles - some red, some white, others a mixture of many colors. The streambed is full of rocks of all sizes. The teacher warned us to be careful of the strong stream current.
It is cool in the shade, and the rock cliff above us still  has some ice on it from winter. The rocks we are sitting on have sharp edges. Rock fragments at the bottom of the cliff are the same color as the cliff. Our teacher warned us to watch out for falling rocks.