1. Right answer:
d) el dedo
Dedo means finger and is any of the long, thin and separate parts of the hand. In English, these are usually those that are not thumbs. In Spanish, we include thumbs as fingers. Also, we can say that dedo means toe. So in Spanish both finger and toe means dedo. Therefore, answering the question, a finger or toe is not part of the face.
2. Right answer:
b) el dedo de pie
This question can be answered following the statement of the first question because el dedo de pie means the toe and recall that this is any of the five separate parts at the end of the foot. So the toe is part of the foot. To contrast this, la cintura means the waist, el codo means the elbow and la cadera means the hip.
3. Right answer:
a) el cerebro
The statement says se usa para pensar that translates into it is used to think. Thus, what we use to think is in fact the brain that means el cerebro. To think, it is obvious that we use neither the throat (la garganta), nor the cheek (la mejilla), nor the face (la cara)
4. Right answer:
b) la pierna
La pierna translates into the leg and is one of the parts of the human or animal body that is used for standing or walking. So the leg include the knee (la rodilla), the thigh (el muslo) and the toe (los dedos del pie). It is obvious that arm (el brazo), the face (la cara) and the ankle (el tobillo) doesn't meet this requirement.
5. Right answer:
d) oler
ver and oír are verbs. So we need to fill in the blank with a third verb. Los ojos means the eyes and are used for seeing (ver). On the other hand, las orejas means the ears and are those two parts of the body on each side of the head, by which people or animals hear sounds (oír). Finally, la nariz that means the nose is the part of the body through which you breathe and smell (oler).
6. Right answer:
a) una cicatriz
Una cicatriz means a scar and is a mark left on part of the body after an injury has healed, such as a cut. So the sentence Después de cortar la piel, es posible tener una cicatriz translates into After cutting the skin, it is possible to have a scar. So injuries can sometimes crack and bleed.
7. Right answer:
d) buena forma
If a healthy person exercises a lot, we say that he or she is in good shape. So in Spanish, when a person is in good shape, we say he or she está en buena forma. If someone is in shape or in good shape, they are in a good state of health. To contrast this, mala forma means bad form, enfermo means sick and dolor means pain.
8. Right answer:
c) el asma
el asma translates into the asthma and is a medical condition that causes difficult in breathing, by making the air passages to become narrow or blocked. It often comes from an allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity. To contrast this, el cáncer means cancer, hincharse means to swell and la diábetes means diabetes
9. Right answer:
Engodar means to get fat. So the sentence es posible engordar si come mucho y no hace ejercicio translates into it is possible to get fat if you eat a lot and do not exercise. So if you want to be in good shape, you must exercise and this is good for health. This is important and we can enjoy spending time doing this.
10. Right answer:
d) un resfriado
This is the right answer because if my throat hurts, I sneeze a lot, and I have a cough. I have the symptom of a cold. Recall that if you are cold, your body is at an unpleasantly low temperature. So this produces what in Spanish is dolor de garganta, mucho estornudo y tos.