The position to the right of the decimal point is the tenth place
The one next to the tenth place is the hundredth. The one next to the hundredth place is the thousandth position
Looking at the numbers,
For 45.4, 4 is in the tenth place. In word form, it is forty-five and four tenths
For 88.08, 0 is in the tenth place and 8 is in the hundredth place. In word form, it is eighty-eight and zero tenth and 8 hundredths
For 0.17, 1 is in the tenth place and 7 is in the hundredth place. In word form, it is zero and one tenth and 7 hundredths
For 2.035, 0 is in the tenth place and 3 is in the hundredth place and 5 is in the thousandth place. In word form, it is two and zero tenth and 3 hundredths and 5 thousandths.