El hermano es Flaco
Los abuelos son Generosos
La hija es inteligente
La abuela es simpática
Lisa y teresa on impacientes.
Step-by-step explanation:
So in order to chose the correct answer from the options you just need to find the best option from the given that best suits the subject that you are talking about in the sentences, remember that in spanish you have different endings for adjectives depending on if it is female or male, and plural or singular, plural often has an "s" at the end.
In the first one when it is talking about the brother, that is singular-male. the only singular and male adjective is Flaco, that is the correct option.
In the second los abuelos is plural and male, that makes generosos the only possible choice.
La hija is female and singular, inteligente is gender-less and singular so thats the correct one.
La abuela is female and singular, that makes simpatica the correct option.
Lisa y teresa is plural and female, the only plural option is impacientes which is also gender-less.